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Recognizing Anxiety Attack Symptoms And What To Do About Them

An anxiety attack is an episode or occurrence where an individual feels panic and stress and wants to leave a place or event immediately. Anxiety attacks are more common when someone is about to perform or talk publicly. Some people have come to realize that they have a social anxiety disorder and try to look for ways to control or manage it.

One way to start controlling or managing a social anxiety disorder is to recognize anxiety attack symptoms and deal with them. Anxiety attack symptoms can sometimes be very subtle while others are full blown and can really frighten you out of your wits.

Anxiety Attack Symptoms

A rapid increase in your heart rate or heart palpitations can signal an oncoming anxiety attack. These anxiety attack symptoms can lead you to believe that you are having a heart attack due to the suddenness and the intensity if the pain sometimes felt in the chest region. Some sufferers often are brought to the hospital because of these symptoms.

Sweating profusely and shaking are also anxiety attack symptoms. Trembling hands and knees can occur when about to face an audience or about to get married. Some people do get bouts of nervousness sometimes but those with social anxiety disorders do not get used to being stared at or being in public view often.

Shortness of breath and feeling of choking are also anxiety attack symptoms. Some people even hyperventilate when anxious which results in lightheadedness or dizziness. Other anxiety attack symptoms include a tingling sensation in the extremities and face or body, blushing or going pale, hot and cold flashes, abdominal discomfort and the sudden urge to urinate or defecate.

There are more anxiety attack symptoms but the ones listed above are the more common. The most that you can do about the symptoms is to try and control them in order to manage your anxiety attacks. Once you get the feeling of dread starting, you can try to self-talk and convince yourself that all is well and that this is just another anxiety attack. Once you have full blown anxiety attack symptoms, try to breathe evenly and properly to manage your episode and also try to not move around too much as this will add to the agitation.

If you really have a difficult time managing your anxiety attack symptoms you might be interested in getting medication to try and manage them. Anxiety attack symptoms can get ugly at times and can also affect other people who might not know what to do.

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