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Anxiety Disorders In Children Frighten Parents

Anxiety disorders in children are due to their feelings of insecurity or fear, but their parents are often more frightened by the outward signs of the feelings of their children. If a small child throws a tantrum or cries because of anxiety, the parents are often distraught as they watch their unhappy children. The first sign of an anxiety disorder in children often appears between eight months and one year of age. Many children do not react when separated from their parents during the first years of their life, and then suddenly they start to get upset when left with a babysitter or at a daycare center.

This is known as separation anxiety that children show with tears or tantrums when left by the parents. This separation anxiety is not really a disorder because it is very common in children although the time frame differs from one child to another. The parents sometimes see this as an anxiety disorder because it appears suddenly after months of peaceful separations from parents. Separation anxiety often lasts into the elementary school years. Many anxiety disorders in children often start early, and the children grow up and continue to be affected by the disorder.

Effective Therapies Treat Anxiety Disorders In Children

Anxiety disorders in children can be treated effectively so the children learn to cope with their fears and worries early. Some fears and worries are normal reactions to different situations on occasion. Anxiety disorders in children are fears or worries that are unwarranted and often constant. Parents should discuss any abnormal or strange anxiety disorders in children with medical professionals who should help them evaluate the problem. There are certain symptoms that might indicate an anxiety disorder in children. These symptoms include nausea, headaches and excessive sweating.

All children will feel anxiety at times, and the problems occur when anxiety interferes with the normal activities of a child. If the child cannot go to school or play with other children because of anxiety, this problem should be evaluated carefully. The parents and the medical professionals should determine if the anxiety is normal in the circumstances for the child. An anxiety that makes the child extremely restless for an extended period of time is a problem that should be treated by experienced child psychologists or pediatricians. A child who has shortness of breath or heart palpitations because of a fear needs the assistance of an experienced and trained professional.

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