Millions of people around the world suffer from general anxiety disorder, and their lives are filled with stress. General anxiety disorder afflicts more women than men, and many of the people first experience the pain of this condition when they are adolescents. General anxiety disorder is usually debilitating for these people, and most of the people suffering from general anxiety disorder must consult with a physician in order to cope with the condition. Although most people feel anxiety from time to time, the people with general anxiety disorder cannot cope with their responsibilities because of their anxiety.
People with general anxiety disorder feel that their lives will be ruined by a catastrophic event at any minute. They also feel that they are suffering from a physical illness almost all of the time. These people often develop physical problems because of the stress generated by this condition. People with this disorder feel that disaster awaits them constantly, and they also believe that their friends and family are constantly in danger. Many of the people with this disorder have severe headaches, nausea, trembling and other serious symptoms. They have trouble concentrating on tasks and sleeping peacefully at night. They often suffer from fatigue because they rarely get a good sleep at night.
Treatment For General Anxiety Disorder Is Often Effective
Fortunately, these people can recover from this disorder although it will probably never be cured. The physician will probably diagnose this disorder by asking some pointed questions. The primary physician may refer the patient to a therapist for more evaluation and treatment. These specialists usually have a great deal of experience working with people suffering from this condition. The therapists often include these people in a support group which can provide some relief.
The people with this condition often take drugs to help them relax and enjoy life. There are several drugs that are effective in helping those with this condition. The medical professionals will probably also suggest physical exercise which helps to relieve stress for some patients. There is a chance that a patient will become dependent on the prescribed drugs so the physician will continually monitor the progress of each patient. The doctor might also suggest behavior modification that might relieve the patient. These steps include eliminating caffeine which can make some people anxious. Most people with this condition will be able to live a peaceful life by controlling the stress and anxiety. People with this condition should follow the advice of their physicians and therapists.
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