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Information About The Mental Disorders Depression And Anxiety

Anxiety and depression are mental disorders that have similar causes but very different symptoms. Both disorders can be caused by genetic factors, environmental stresses or examples and brain biochemistry. Although these disorders are very different they can often be diagnosed together in the same patient at the same time. Treatment for anxiety and depression usually consists of a combination of both prescription drugs and psychoanalysis.

Symptoms Of The Mental Disorders Depression And Anxiety

The symptoms of depression are many and varied including a persistent sad mood, difficulty in concentrating and remembering, decreased energy, weight gain or loss and loss of pleasure in hobbies and activities even sex. Feelings of hopelessness, guilt, worthlessness, negativity, helplessness and pessimism can be symptoms of depression. Although every person suffering from depression does not have thoughts of death or tries to commit suicide the sleep disturbances and restlessness can be very severe. Physical ailments that do not respond to treatment such as digestive disorders, headaches and chronic pain can also be symptoms of depression.

Anxiety is a mental disorder in which the sufferer experiences a variety of different symptoms, including raging heartbeat, difficulty breathing, nervous, shaking, stress, dizziness, trembling, hot flashes or sudden chills, chest pains, distress, and fear that you are going crazy or are going to die. The urge to run and hide can be overwhelming.

Depression and anxiety can quickly become a very serious problems, and so if at any point you ever experience these or related symptoms, you need to get in to see your doctor as soon as possible so that you can be properly examined and diagnosed.

Treatment For The Mental Disorders Depression And Anxiety

The treatments for the mental disorders depression and anxiety are very similar in that there are many choices. Behavioral, cognitive, literary and talk therapies can all be quite effective when dealing with the mental disorders depression and anxiety. Treatment can involve a combination of prescription drugs or herbal medicines and psychotherapy with a trained therapist.

Reduce Your Stress For Better Living

To reduce stress, and thus prevent more serious health problems, there are a few things that you can do. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is crucial, and this means eating a balanced and nutritious diet, and getting plenty of regular exercise. You should also cease any unhealthy habits, such as smoking and excessive drinking.

Reducing the things that cause you stress in your life and changing how you react to it is the safest and most effective method to promote good mental as well as physical heath. Remember that no single method of stress management is always successful, so you may have to try a variety of approaches.

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