Though some people may just take it lightly, anxiety disorders are a kind of condition that should be taken seriously since they can lead to a bigger problem. Here are some of the symptoms that you may experience when you are suffering from an anxiety disorder. And if you suspect that you are suffering from an anxiety disorder, it is always best to inform your family doctor immediately for proper diagnosis and medication.
Symptoms To Look Out For
When you are anxious, you may feel certain changes in your body and the symptoms seem to be never ending and affecting your daily life when you have an anxiety disorder. Among these symptoms are abdominal discomforts, diarrhea, dry mouth, rapid heartbeat (or what you may be called palpitations), and tightness of the chest, shortness of breath, shaking, difficulty in swallowing, frequent urination, and dizziness. This is brought about by your body’s release of a hormone called, adrenaline that forces your body to respond with either “fight or flight”.
Other symptoms of an anxiety disorder may include psychological symptoms such as insomnia, feeling worried, feeling uneasy and restless all the time, tiredness, irritable or quick to anger, inability to concentrate, or a feeling of being in an unreal situation and not in control of your actions. Also, other psychological symptoms of anxiety disorder may include the feeling of going mad or going out of your mind.
It is also known that an anxiety disorder may be a symptom of other mental health problems, such as depression or alcohol dependence. It can also be caused by substances such as ecstasy, marijuana, LSD, or caffeine (coffee, tea, soda) or by withdrawal from long-term drugs like tranquilizers. Anxiety is also a common side effect of many prescriptions and over the counter medications. So be sure to tell your doctor about all substances you are ingesting, this information can be crucial to a correct diagnosis.
If you can no longer handle the symptoms and you feel like you are already breaking down, what you can do is contact your doctor immediately for proper diagnosis because some anxiety disorders may also be associated with other physical illnesses that may be affecting your body. These illnesses may include thyroid disorder and others so it is always best to contact your physician. Keep in mind, this disorder and the symptoms that corresponds it should be taken seriously and not lightly.
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