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Using Zoloft For Children With Anxiety And Depression

Anxiety and depression are both incredibly serious conditions, and actually often go hand in hand. Anxiety can cause depression and vice versa, and both can be incredibly dangerous and even potentially life threatening, especially if left untreated.

Although adults are the primary sufferers, children can have anxiety and depression disorders as well, and this is even more difficult, because there are fewer optional methods of treatment available.

Advantages Of Using Zoloft For Children With Anxiety And Depression

Using Zoloft for children with anxiety and depression has been one commonly referred method of treatment, namely because Zoloft is one of the few anxiety and depression medications that is safe for use with children.

However, before you ever use Zoloft for children with anxiety and depression, even if your doctor has recommended it, you are going to want to learn more about it. Any prescription medication must be taken very seriously, after all, especially when it comes to children.

Of course the main advantage of using Zoloft for children with anxiety and depression is that it is able to relieve their symptoms, symptoms that can often get to be so serious that they are literally unbearable.

Depression, including suicidal thoughts and tendencies are very common in children with anxiety and depression issues, and this medication is able to remove any of these dangerous sorts of thoughts from their heads.

Disadvantages Of Using Zoloft For Children With Anxiety And Depression

There are also many disadvantages however, namely that there are so many common side effects that are experienced as a result of using the drug. Some of the most frequently experienced side effects include: dry mouth, dizziness, weakness, nausea, diarrhea, and changes in appetite, decreased sex drive, and impotence.

Then there is also the matter that most children do not understand that they have to report these and more importantly, more serious side effects, if and when they occur. This can result in serious health consequences, and so if you have a child that is going to start taking this drug, you need to make sure that you keep a close eye on them.

About the Drug

Zoloft is an FDA-approved medication that is used to treat depression, social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder, namely. It is in fact the number one doctor-prescribed brand of its kind, and it has been used to treat more people than any other medication of its kind.

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